Welcome to BallroomDancingLovers.Com
BallroomDancingLovers.com is the world’s leading website and newsletter that recognizes the power and sportsmanship of dance.
Ballroom Dancing Lovers are Children and Adults who have experienced Rhythm massage their mind and soul- Giving life to the mesmerizing dance music beats. In that moment your whole being is transformed into a motion of power, precision and wellbeing.
Our mission is to supply the tools that enhance the health, wealth and rhythm in the life of every dancer. To create a community where, millions of dancers come together in support and celebration of each other. To enjoy the Dance Culture of listening to your Dance Partners’ body language that moves you in unison.

Emotional Intelligence
Emotions play a significant part of our lives. Human beings could take control of their lives by understanding the emotions that are driving them at any moment. “Emotional intelligence” is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of...
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The Power of a Dance instructor’s Index Finger
On October 29th, 2016 I attended the Dance Boston Costume Ball at Cardinal Cushing School in Hanover, Massachusetts. Saturday dances always include a 45 minute dance lesson that starts at 7.15pm. On October 29th, it was the Hussle dance lesson. If you have ever taken...
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History of Ballroom Dance
When you think of Ballroom dancing, you generally think of flowing gowns and dark tuxedos. You also think of beautiful, willowy, women and tall, dark, handsome men waltzing their way around the dance floor. However, ballroom dance is not just the Waltz, it is a lot...
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